Before we ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ let’s work to stop waste in the first place. Avoiding waste helps protect our local beaches, waterways, bushland and wildlife, reduces what’s sent to landfill, and makes the most of our precious resources.
Our community and the Surf Coast Shire Council have seen great results from working together to reduce the use of single use plastic packaging and other products – at markets and events, in businesses, and in our own daily habits.

AVOID – avoid things that will become waste
REDUCE – reduce the amount of waste we generate
REUSE – reuse items again
REPAIR – repair things to keep them in use
RE-GIFT – gift it to someone who can use it
RECYCLE – recycle to recover energy and materials
Visit Council’s website for more information on what goes in your kerbside bins, what can be recycled through Council’s transfer stations and other programs, and more!